The streets were dark with something more than night. ~Raymond Chandler

Monday, August 07, 2006

Today begins with a history lesson...

You may have found your self asking... What the crap is a "pig's eye?" because i know I have. This morning i decided i had been wondering too long. It took about 3 seconds to find an answer. The miracle of google. Here goes.

Pierre Parrant was the one the first official (European) residents of st.paul minnesota. He he was in his early 60's when he arrived. A former fur trapper, he had found a new profession in moonshining. He was known as "Pig's Eye", due to his one serviceable eye. "The other was blind, sinister-looking, marble-hued, crooked, with a white ring glaring around the pupil. He spoke execrable English, and his habits were "intemperate and licentious."

There you have it. If asked about your tendency to imbibe a bit much on the occasional Saturday evening, holler in your most execrable English, "I'm a civic warrior, this one's for Pierre Parrant and his piggly wiggly eye!"


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